Codeine rehab

Codeine rehab is the most effective way to begin the journey to recovery but there are so many people who don’t reach out for help. Some believe that they need codeine to cope with a genuine medical condition while others are convinced by their codeine addiction that they are in control of their use. Seeking professional help through codeine rehab is crucial for overcoming dependency and getting your life back on track. Banbury Lodge has helped hundreds of people navigate the recovery journey and our codeine rehab programmes can help you make the necessary changes in your life.

Codeine rehab - group therapy

What is codeine rehab?

Codeine rehabilitation is a special treatment programme designed to help people overcome their dependency on codeine. It involves a range of different therapies and treatments that aim to address the root causes of the condition and enable you to build the skills and tools you need to live a fulfilling, drug-free life. As with all forms of opiate rehab, codeine rehabilitation is best done at a professional recovery centre like Banbury Lodge due to its numerous benefits:

  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Stronger relationships with loved ones
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem
  • Improved work and financial prospects
  • The best possible chance of a future totally free from codeine

Simply put, codeine rehab can transform your life and open up a world of opportunities that may have previously seemed impossible.

What options are there for codeine rehab?

There are two main options when it comes to choosing your codeine rehab programme: outpatient and inpatient:

Outpatient codeine rehab

Outpatient rehab involves visiting a treatment centre or clinic on a regular basis for therapy and support. This enables you to live at home while receiving codeine addiction treatment, carry on working and looking after children and take care of other responsibilities. However, outpatient codeine rehab is often considered to be limited in its effectiveness because you will still be exposed to drugs, negative influences, triggers and everyday stress.

Inpatient codeine rehab

Inpatient codeine rehab, also known as residential codeine rehab, involves living in a treatment centre like Banbury Lodge while receiving treatment. It is generally considered to be more effective than outpatient codeine rehab for a number of reasons, including:

  • No access to codeine or other drugs
  • An environment specially designed for recovery
  • Time and space away from codeine triggers and negative influences
  • Access to 24/7 professional care and support
  • A chance to build a support network with staff and other clients in codeine rehab
  • A wider range of codeine rehab therapies

At Banbury Lodge, our inpatient codeine rehab programmes are delivered by our team of highly experienced recovery experts and therapists. They have helped many people achieve long-term sobriety and know exactly what you are going through.

Do I need codeine rehab?

Unfortunately, many people fail to seek prescription drug rehab, including for codeine, because they are in denial about their dependency or believe that they need the drugs to function. While recognising that you need codeine rehab may be difficult, it’s a crucial first step towards recovery.

Here are some questions to ask yourself which can help you determine whether codeine rehab may be the right choice for you:

  • Do I feel like I can’t function without codeine?
  • Do I feel like I need codeine to cope with stress or emotional pain?
  • Have I tried to quit codeine in the past and been unsuccessful?
  • Have I experienced negative consequences as a result of my codeine use (e.g. relationship problems, financial problems or health issues)?
  • Has my codeine use caused me to neglect important responsibilities (e.g. work, school or family)?
  • Do I take codeine without a prescription or other than as prescribed?
  • Do I experience strong cravings or withdrawal symptoms when I try to stop taking codeine?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then codeine rehab can help you to transform your life.

Codeine rehab at Banbury Lodge

At Banbury Lodge, we offer comprehensive codeine rehab programmes that address every aspect of physical and psychological dependency. This begins with codeine detox which is carefully designed to ensure a safe and comfortable withdrawal process so your body and brain can begin to heal and you can begin therapy with a clear mind.

You will then begin a programme of different therapies, including:

  • 12-step therapy: This is a structured programme that involves working through a series of steps to overcome codeine dependency, make amends for any damage caused to relationships and set the foundations for lifelong sobriety.
  • Individual therapy: This is one-on-one sessions with a therapist who will help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Group therapy: This involves participating in therapy sessions with other clients who are also going through rehab. Group therapy can help you build a sense of community and gain support from others who understand first-hand what you are experiencing.
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): This is a form of therapy that helps you identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviours which may be contributing to/being caused by your codeine use.
  • Family therapy: This involves working with your family to address any family dynamics or issues related to your codeine use and improve communication and relationships with loved ones.

Codeine rehab - group therapy 2

How to prevent codeine relapse

Relapse is a common concern for people in codeine recovery and to prevent relapse, it’s important to have a plan in place. Some tips for preventing relapse include:

  • Engage in aftercare: Aftercare support can help you stay connected to a supportive community and prevent relapse. Banbury Lodge provides all clients with one year’s free weekly group therapy to help ensure you are not left alone to struggle.
  • Avoid triggers: Identify situations or people that may trigger cravings or tempt you to use codeine and avoid them as much as possible.
  • Develop healthy coping mechanisms: Develop healthy new ways to cope with stress or emotional pain, such as exercise or spending time with loved ones.
  • Seek support: Reach out to therapists, family and friends when you’re feeling vulnerable or tempted to use codeine.
  • Be mindful: Practice mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing or meditation, to help you stay present and aware of your thoughts and emotions.

Remember, relapse doesn’t mean that you’ve failed. Use it as an opportunity to learn more about your codeine triggers and what you need to do differently next time.

Codeine rehab - supporting loved one

Tips for a successful stay in codeine rehab

Entering codeine rehab can be a life-changing decision, but it can also be a challenging experience. To help you get the most out of your stay, we’ve compiled some tips to help you succeed in codeine rehab. These tips will help you stay focused, motivated, and engaged in your treatment:

Be open and honest
Share your thoughts and feelings with your treatment team and participate actively in codeine rehab therapy sessions.
Take care of yourself
Get enough rest, eat healthy food and engage in self-care activities such as exercise or meditation.
Set goals
Identify what you want to achieve during your codeine rehab programme and work with your treatment team to develop a plan to achieve those goals.
Connect with others
Build relationships with other clients and staff members in codeine rehab. This can help you feel less isolated and provide a source of support.
Embrace change
Be open to new experiences and new ways of thinking. Remember that recovery requires patience and a willingness to change old patterns and behaviours.

Advice for loved ones

When someone you love is struggling with codeine dependency, it can be a challenging and overwhelming experience. You want to help them but it’s hard to know where to start.

The good news is that there are some really useful things you can do to support your loved one on their journey to codeine recovery:

Educate yourself

Learn as much as you can about the codeine rehabilitation process. This will enable you to speak to them from a place of authority on the subject.

Offer support

Let your loved one know that you’re there for them and that you support their decision to enter codeine rehab.

Set boundaries

Establish clear boundaries around unacceptable behaviours such as drug use in your home.

Attend family therapy

Participating in family therapy can help improve communication and relationships with your loved one which can be crucial both during and after codeine rehab.

Seek support

It can be challenging to support a loved one through codeine rehab. Don’t be afraid to seek support for yourself, such as through a support group or therapist.

How to start codeine rehab

If you’re ready to start your journey to recovery, Banbury Lodge is here to help. Contact us today to speak to our admissions team and find out how our codeine rehab programmes can help transform your life.

Frequently asked questions

How long does codeine rehab take?
This depends on a number of factors including how long you have been using codeine, your response to treatment and whether you have any underlying mental health conditions. Banbury Lodge offers different lengths of codeine rehab programmes to help as many people as possible get the help they need.
Will codeine rehab cure me?
There is no “cure” for substance abuse disorders but codeine rehab is the most effective way to develop the skills needed for long-term recovery. However, active participation and a willingness to make changes are just as important as the actual therapies you will undergo during codeine rehab. It is only if you are willing to take charge of your own recovery and give 100% every day of codeine rehab that you will have the best chance of success.
How much does codeine rehab cost?
This depends on the length of your stay in codeine rehab so you will need to discuss the cost with the admissions team. However, all Banbury Lodge clients are entitled to 100% free aftercare after leaving codeine rehab for an entire year to help provide ongoing support and a sense of supportive community.
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UK Addiction Treatment Group.

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0203 553 3757