Dr Mateen Durrani
Dr Mateen Durrani is on the specialist register of the GMC (3517617) and is accredited as a general adult psychiatrist by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After completing his basic training in psychiatry, he has been working as a consultant Psychiatrist since 1995, initially in the NHS and since 2011 in the independent sector. He joined UKAT in 2014 and is now the UKAT Group Medical Advisor and consultant psychiatrist at our Sanctuary Lodge treatment centre.
Dr Mateen Durrani is on the specialist register of the GMC (3517617) and is accredited as a general adult psychiatrist by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After completing his basic training in psychiatry, he has been working as a consultant Psychiatrist since 1995, initially in the NHS and since 2011 in the independent sector. He joined UKAT in 2014 and is now the UKAT Group Medical Advisor and consultant psychiatrist at our Sanctuary Lodge treatment centre. With Masters’ in Clinical and Public Health Aspects of Addiction from the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, his work and expertise focuses on helping people with various addictions achieve sobriety and a stable recovery through the process of recovery.

Dr Durrani’s interest lies deep within field of psychiatry. From his basic and later specialist training in Psychiatry to his work as a consultant and clinical/medical director for the NHS and Independent sector and ultimately, UKAT – he has devoted his entire professional life to improving the services and mental health of patients, help individuals have a better understanding of their addictive behaviour and empower them to achieve an improved quality of social and professional life.

For Dr Durrani, it’s important to help the community overcome the stigmas and accept those with mental health problems and addictive behaviour, while also creating more opportunities for therapeutic experiences.

While working with UKAT since 2014, Dr Durrani has helped Sanctuary Lodge support thousands of people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction, as well as from behavioural addictions. His leadership and experience in managing individuals with addictive behaviours, both within the NHS and the Independent sector, devotion, concentration and desire to always achieve more and improve, have led us to become one of the top addiction treatment providers in the UK.

Professional Qualification

GMC registration

Professional bodies (positions held - last 3 yrs)

  • Secretary Diaspora Committee Royal College of Psychiatrists 2014 to 2021

  • Chairman British Pakistani Psychiatrists Association 2012 to 2016 and currently its Trustee since 2018.

  • Dr. Durrani is on the panel of all major private health insurance companies in the UK

Details of entry to specialist register:

  • General Adult Psychiatry , 2007

Personal interests

Languages spoken

  • English - Fluent

  • Panjabi, Punjabi - Fluent

  • Urdu - Fluent

  • Sindhi - Conversational

Courses offered to GPs

  • Common mental health conditions

  • Mental health conditions in patients with learning disability

  • Psychiatry of Substance misuse

Have you ever seen how quickly an anchor falls to the bottom of the sea when you let go of the rope? Xanax addiction can be like that heavy anchor, dragging you down into the depths of despair. The recovery experts...

During 2016-2019, a shocking UK Gov study found that the number of under-18s attending benzodiazepine rehab trebled over the three-year period. The increasing number of youths receiving treatment indicates the broa...

Xanax is a powerful medication that can be highly effective in treating anxiety and panic disorders. However, it is also extremely addictive and can lead to serious health consequences when abused. In the UK, Xanax...

When you are stuck in a cycle of Valium abuse and dependence, it can feel like attempting to swim in the sea during winter, with waves of cravings, withdrawals preventing you from standing steady and negative emoti...

Picture yourself standing at the edge of a dense forest, knowing that you must navigate through the wilderness to reach the other side where a new, healthier life awaits. Valium detox is like embarking on that jour...

Diazepam, known by its brand name Valium, is a medication prescribed for managing various disorders. While a useful tool for managing anxiety, Diazepam addiction is known to develop quickly and withdrawal symptoms ...

Embarking on the tramadol detox journey is like navigating a maze filled with twists and turns but ultimately leading to the liberating destination of sobriety. Making sure you don’t take a wrong turn and end up ...

Tramadol is an opioid medication that is usually prescribed for the short-term treatment of pain. As well as its analgesic effects, however, tramadol can also produce feelings of euphoria, relaxation and calmness, ...

  Sex and love addiction is a complex issue that can have a profound effect on your mental, emotional and even physical well-being. Despite this, it is a subject rarely discussed and often swept under the rug...

  Addiction is an illness that affects millions of people around the world. It can take over lives, destroy relationships and lead to serious health problems. It shouldn’t be viewed as just a moral fail...

Prescription drug rehab is a transformative process that has helped millions of people around the world. It provides the resources and ongoing support that are needed to overcome unhealthy relationships with prescr...

Detox for prescription drugs is the first step towards overcoming emotional reliance on medication and reclaiming control of your life. Prescription drug addiction is a silent crisis that affects millions of indivi...

Prescription drugs are an effective tool in modern medicine, helping to relieve pain, aid sleep and improve mental health conditions. While this all sounds great on the surface, there is a darker side to prescripti...

  There are few topics more divisive than porn. Some people see it as a harmless pastime, some as a healthy part of relationships, and others believe it objectifies, encourages misogyny and promotes unrealist...

Meet Harry, a young man whose family have been trying to convince him to enter oxycodone rehab for the last two years. He's given countless reasons for not seeking treatment: fear of the unknown, shame, denial and ...

Undergoing oxycodone detox is the first but perhaps the single most important step in breaking free from dependency on the drug. It sets the foundations for everything that comes after in the battle against oxycodo...

OxyContin, a common brand name for the powerful opioid painkiller oxycodone, was marketed as a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain by the Purdue Frederick Company in the early 2000s. However, the company ...

A 2022 study shows that between 2010 and 2017 over 280,000 people in the UK were admitted to hospitals due to an opioid overdose. Out of those numbers, it’s challenging to know how many found the support to quit ...

As the opioid crisis in the USA rages on, with 136 lives lost every day, the UK is also experiencing its own problems. In 2020, a record number of opioid fatalities were recorded, with 2,263 deaths related to some ...

If you or a loved one has been struggling with morphine abuse, take comfort in knowing that you're not alone. It takes bravery to acknowledge the problem and take the necessary steps towards recovery. Seeking help ...

Morphine is a powerful opioid painkiller that can provide relief to those suffering from severe pain; however, it also has the potential to lead to physical and psychological dependence. This makes detoxing from mo...

Although the United Kingdom has not experienced the same extent of the opioid crisis currently raging in the United States, it is still essential to monitor and address the safety of opioids as a public health conc...

  Methamphetamine, also commonly referred to as meth, is an extremely potent stimulant, and its grasp is so strong that 61% of users relapse within one year after treatment. A high-quality treatment progr...

  Undergoing meth detox is like hitting the reset button on your life. It enables you to break your physical dependence on methamphetamines so that you can approach the next stages of recovery with a clea...

When you think about crystal meth, the first thing that may come to mind is the hit television series Breaking Bad, about a chemistry teacher who cooks and sells the drug to those with crystal meth addiction to p...

  Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), also commonly known as acid, is a class A drug in the UK. In recent years police seizures of the drug have increased by 230%. Avoiding a prison sentence, however, is no...

  In the modern world, LSD might be looked at as more of a party or experimental, mind-altering drug compared to some of its more dangerous counterparts. However, the attitudes around this is a perfect en...

  LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a potent hallucinogenic drug commonly known as "acid." It can have significant physical and psychological effects on users and carries the potential for dangerous ...

According to a recent 2021 survey published by British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, an estimated 70% of people who use Benzodiazepines (such as Librium) in the UK acquire them without a prescription. This mean...

At Banbury Lodge, we understand that giving up Librium can be a difficult and unpleasant part of your journey towards recovery. However, we are here to support you and help make the process more bearable. Our Libri...

  Ketamine has the potential to ruin lives, with long-term use of this hallucinogenic drug frequently associated with painful medical conditions, broken relationships and destroyed careers. Breaking free ...

  Ketamine detox is like a deep cleaning of your body and mind. It is the first step in the battle against ketamine addiction and helps set the foundations for successful long-term recovery. At Banbury Lo...

  Special K, Vitamin K, Horse. These are all common street names given to ketamine, a commonly abused drug that can have devastating effects on users. Frequent ketamine abuse can impact your health, relat...

  Internet addiction has become an increasingly prevalent problem in today's society. While we can all spend too much time scrolling online, for some, the internet has become an all-consuming force that domin...

  Heroin can feel like an unrelenting weight on your shoulders that keeps you trapped in a cycle of self-destruction. Heroin detox offers an opportunity to lift that weight and take the critical first ste...

  Whether you are a celebrity at the height of their stardom or a carpenter reaching retirement, no one is immune to the powerful grip of heroin addiction. Heroin addiction is a devastating reality that h...

  Hallucinogens detox is like peeling grime off a beautiful piece of art, stripping it back to its original form and starting anew. It is the first step on the journey to recovery from hallucinogens addic...

Hallucinogens refer to a large group of psychoactive drugs classified by their ability to induce altered perceptions of reality and thought processes in users. For example, it is common for those using hallucinog...

Gambling addiction affects millions of people around the world and the United Kingdom is no exception. In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the impact of gambling on individuals, families and socie...

A recent UK government study found that out of 133,704 people that started their treatment journey for drug problems in 2021, 25% stated that they had issues with opiates. Sadly, with more and more powerful drugs ...

Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is around one-hundred times more potent than morphine and has been responsible for 477 deaths over the past ten years. Its potency and addictive qualities have the poten...

Fentanyl has gained recognition as one of the most notorious and dreaded drugs worldwide. This synthetic opioid is up to one hundred times more potent than morphine and its popularity among drug users has surged du...

  Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a popular recreational drug that is often used at parties and events due to its ability to induce feelings of euphoria. Despite its pleasurable effects, the drug can have...

  Ecstasy is well-known as the “love drug” responsible for heightened feelings of euphoria, sociability and increased energy. It is this powerful high that makes ecstasy so addictive, but what happens...

  Ecstasy, also known as MDMA, is a synthetic psychoactive drug that has remained popular among young adults for decades and is a favoured drug in the party scene. According to recent statistics, 1.1% of ...

According to UK governmental statistics, over 61,000 people successfully completed some form of drug treatment between April 2021 and March 2022. Tens of thousands of lives have been reclaimed from the grasp of dru...

When you think of drug detox, you may imagine celebrities checking into an exclusive retreat after incriminating photos appear in the press. In fact, drug detox is an essential first step in the recovery process fo...

According to the most recent UNODC’s World Drug Report 2022, it is estimated that more than 284 million people worldwide used some kind of drug in 2020, which is a 26% increase over the previous decade. Countless...

  The path to crack cocaine recovery can be a complex and overwhelming struggle that can take a significant toll on an individual's life. At times, it can be difficult to see a way out of the vicious cycl...

Crack cocaine cravings can be like an incessant voice in your head that keeps you trapped in a destructive cycle. However, crack cocaine detox has the potential to silence that voice and help you make the first and...

Crack cocaine is a globally notorious drug that scared people so much in 1970’s America, that then-President Ronald Reagan launched his infamous “War on Drugs”. Far more potent than powder cocaine, crack is a...

Codeine rehab is the most effective way to begin the journey to recovery but there are so many people who don’t reach out for help. Some believe that they need codeine to cope with a genuine medical condition whi...

Codeine is the most commonly prescribed opioid medication in the UK, leaving many exposed to the risk of physical dependency. If you are one of these people, and you feel like your codeine use is getting out of con...

Codeine can often deceive its users into believing that it's completely safe as many individuals do not view this legal medication as addictive or harmful to health. Yet, codeine addiction is a serious issue that c...

While cocaine is often glamorised in TV and films, when the reality behind that portrayal becomes stark, it is often too late. Being caught in the cycle of cocaine addiction is a lonely place but it is important to...

Cocaine addiction is a rampant phenomenon that continues to have staggering effects on the lives of countless individuals across the UK. People suffering from this condition often feel alone and overwhelmed as they...

  Making the decision to quit cannabis can be a daunting and challenging process, especially if you have been using cannabis for many years. Seeking professional help and attending cannabis rehab can prov...

  Humans are renowned for sometimes over-indulging in the things we really enjoy and for millions of people in the UK, cannabis is no exception. With over 7% of Brits using cannabis in the UK on a regular...

  For decades, parents and politicians alike have warned us of the effects of using cannabis – some even going as far as to say that one puff of a joint will have you hooked for life. Now, countries all...

Undergoing benzodiazepine rehab is like repairing a broken relationship with yourself. It is a process that requires honesty, vulnerability, and a willingness to face difficult truths in order to move forward. Howeve...

You may have heard the term “the mind is like a sponge”, but did you know it’s the same with our bodies? When you engage in long-term benzo use, it can be like sucking up all those harmful chemicals. Benzodia...

in 2021 alone, there were 538 deaths from benzo poisoning. Despite this shocking figure, Benzodiazepines continue to be among the most frequently prescribed drugs in the UK. Benzodiazepine addiction is a serious...

  Did you know that it’s possible to become addicted to substances other than sprays, powders and liquids? That’s right, while substance use disorder is a widely recognised issue, behavioural addiction is...

Ativan, also known as lorazepam, is a type of benzodiazepine drug that is typically prescribed to treat anxiety, panic disorders and insomnia. Unfortunately Ativan is also commonly misused, and with benzodiazepine-...

While Ativan has the potential to work wonders for issues such as anxiety and insomnia, the saying, ”everything has a dark side," holds true for this drug. Misusing Ativan can have severe consequences, including ...

Picture yourself walking on a frozen lake. At first, it supports your weight, providing a sense of security, but as you continue, the ice cracks and you suddenly plunge into the freezing water below. This is a lot ...

Recent statistics show that amphetamine was responsible for 107 deaths in 2021. This is a sharp increase from previous years and highlights the importance of asking for help if you feel like your amphetamine use is...

Are you feeling apprehensive about giving up amphetamines? This is completely normal, especially as there are so many misconceptions about drug detox and withdrawal. The truth is that undergoing amphetamine detox c...

Did you know that the same drugs that were given to Second World War soldiers to enable them to fight for days without sleep are still some of the most used drugs today? From students to professional athletes, peop...

If you or someone you care about has been struggling with alcohol abuse, know that you're not alone. It takes a lot of courage to seek help and make positive changes. Our team of compassionate experts understand fi...

Anyone who has ever worked in a pub knows what it is like to wring out the bar towels at the end of the night. The amount of alcohol those towels soak up is incredible and our bodies are exactly the same when we ar...

We all know a smoker who can’t go an hour without a cigarette or that colleague who is a nightmare at work before they have had their morning coffee. However, some addictions are more serious than others and can ...

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Calls and contact requests are answered by admissions at

UK Addiction Treatment Group.

We look forward to helping you take your first step.

0203 553 3757